Matteo Girola (Milan in 1983), graduated in Painting and Photography at the Academy of Fine Arts of Brera.
His artistic research proceeds on the paths of contemporary photography, using multiple operating languages.
He explores the use of the images between reality and fiction, between the taken documents and production, reflecting the uncertainties and changes in seeing.

“He investigates the notions of space, inside-outside, border areas, exploring the use of the image related to new technologies and social networks by probing the possibility of creating a real ‘photographic communication’.”

(Matteo Luigi Balduzzi)

“Matteo’s artistic research consists in an effort to make the uncertainty of the image become visible. Photographing reality is first of all a tool for its comprehension, this is the way Girola understands his photography, through which he aims to reflect on the modifications of the image and the reality it reproduces; an undoubtedly frequent occurrence in contemporary society.”

(Luca Panaro)



“Swit Platform”, curated by Luca Panaro and Stefano Conti, Centrale Festival Milano, Chippendale Studio, Milano

“Swit Platform”, curated by Luca Panaro and Stefano Conti, FG2 , Goteborg


“Raccontare l’invisibile”, curated by Agustin Sanchez, promosso da Accademia di belle arti G. Carrara e da CNR-ITB, Giacomo, Bergamo


“La veranda e il periscopio”, curated by Chiara Fusar Bassini, Federica Mutti, Luciano Passoni, luogo_e, Bergamo

“Solo un ricordo” (solo exhibition), curated by Julia Rajacic, Italian Institute for Culture, Belgrade, Serbia


“Premio Combat”, Museo Civico G. Fattori, Livorno. * (video section special mention)


“Premio Combat”, Museo Civico G. Fattori, Livorno *

“Sono stato lì, Esperienze di rilievo fotografico dell’Italia contemporanea” curated by Stefano Munarin, Andrea Pertoldeo, IUAV, Venezia

“F4 Un idea di fotografia”, curated by Carlo Sala, Villa Brandolini, Pieve di Soligo


“Variazioni Bertallot”, Video-art performance, Sky Arte HD


“Premio d’arte Citta’ di Treviglio”, ALT arte contemporanea, Alzano Lombardo *

“RaiTune5” Video-art performance – Rai 5 TV


“The End”, curated by Gean Moreno, Miami Beach Regional Library, Miami, USA*

“Paylasilan Isaret II”, Cennet Kultur ve Sanat Merkezi, Istambul, Turkey *

“Premio Francesco Fabbri per le Arti Contemporanee”, Villa Brandolini, Pieve di Soligo *

“L’Architettura del Mondo, Infrastrutture, mobilità, nuovi paesaggi”, curated by Alberto Ferlenga, Triennale di Milano, Milan *

“Premio Città di Treviglio”, curated by Sara Fontana, Civico Museo Ernesto e Teresa Della Torre, Treviglio

“Bitgeneration”, curated by Agustin Sanchez, Kilometro Rosso, Stezzano *

“Senza titolo”, curated by Luca Panaro, Pala Riviera, San Benedetto del Tronto *

Video-art performance on “RaiTune5” – Rai 5 TV

“Art Around”, curated by Matteo Balduzzi and Chiara Buzzi, Museo di Fotografia Contemporanea , Cinisello Balsamo *

“Ti sono vicino” (Solo exhibition), curated by Matteo Balduzzi and Chiara Buzzi at Teatro Arcimboldi, Milan – International Festival of Culture, Bergamo


“Raitunes” Live Video-art performance, Rai Radio 2

“Milano un minuto prima”, curated by Matteo Balduzzi, FORMA, Milan *

“Oltre”, curated by Andrea Del Guercio, Accademia Contemporanea, Milan


“è – Incontri d’arte a Molfetta”, curated by Ignazio Gadaleta e Gaetano Centrone, Sala dei Templari, Chiesa della Morte, Molfetta *

“Archive Generation”, curated by Luca Panaro, Civico Archivio Fotografico di Milano, Milan


“L’Universo dentro”, Chiesa di San Carpoforo, Milan *


“Imagining Parco Sud” curated by Connecting Cultures, DOCVA, Triennale di Milano, Milan


“Premio Nazionale delle Arti 2007”curated by MIUR- Alta Formazione Artistica e Musicale, Le Ciminiere, Catania *

“In tasca il tempo” curated by Mario Cresci and Davide Tranchina, Museo Arte Tempo of Clusone, Bergamo

*Events for which catalogues were issued